Here’s a great development for those who seek favorable tax treatment – Massachusetts beneficiaries no longer have to pay state income tax for trusts based in other states. Sort of. In a recent case argued before the U.S. Supreme Court, a New York-based trust challenged the North Carolina Department of Revenue’s ability to collect of state income taxes from the trust’s earnings. The State of North Carolina . . .

Online ordering, and Amazon’s development has led to an unpredictable but declining retail market by most accounts. Every month it seems, the news is covering a different retail chain that is struggling to maintain its customer base. Meanwhile, the advent of social media has enabled so-called “pop-up shops” to open, and begin selling in short order to already connected customers.

The time and expense involved with probating a will are the driving forces behind many estate plans. Most people would naturally like their assets to pass to family members and beneficiaries with as little trouble and delay as possible. But what is the actual cost of probating a will in Massachusetts, and what should the average personal representative (formerly “executor”) expect to pay?

One of the most frequent issues we deal with as estate and probate attorneys, is the problem of a fiduciary who does not honor his or her duty to beneficiaries. A fiduciary duty is a legal principle . . .

The future of digital “crypto” currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum is the subject of much disagreement among technology and finance experts. But most in these fields agree that the underlying technology, called “blockchain,” will be important in a number of future applications.

Business Law Strategies

What do you need to know to operate a business in Massachusetts? These resources can help whether you are starting a business, acquiring one, or just converting your business formation to a limited liability entity. . .
Estate Planning Primers

While pro-active families form an estate plan early and review every 4-5 years, it is never too late. This section highlights tips on your last will, and why every Massachusetts resident needs a health care proxy and power of attorney. . .
Medicaid Planning Tips

Gaining eligibility for Medicaid under MassHealth is a detailed process where the difference between acceptance and denial is thousands of dollars. These resources provide you with a basic understanding of Medicaid planning. . .
Probate Process FAQs

While many estate plans attempt to avoid the probate process, the probate court is still a good tool in the fair distribution of assets upon a person’s death. We have compiled some articles you should find useful in understanding this process. . .
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Cape Law
54 Market Street
(Inside Mashpee Commons)
Mashpee, MA 02649
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 2154
Mashpee, MA 02649
Phone: 508-888-8100
Fax: 866-638-8480
What our clients say about us.
Can an Out of State Trust Avoid Massachusetts Income Tax? U.S. Supreme Court: Maybe
Here’s a great development for those who seek favorable tax treatment – Massachusetts beneficiaries no longer have to pay state income tax for trusts based in other states. Sort of. In a recent case argued before the U.S. Supreme Court, a New York-based trust challenged the North Carolina Department of Revenue’s ability to collect of state income taxes from the trust’s earnings. The State of North Carolina . . .

How to Open a Pop-up Shop on Cape Cod
Online ordering, and Amazon’s development has led to an unpredictable but declining retail market by most accounts. Every month it seems, the news is covering a different retail chain that is struggling to maintain its customer base. Meanwhile, the advent of social media has enabled so-called “pop-up shops” to open, and begin selling in short order to already connected customers.
How Much is Probate in Massachusetts?
The time and expense involved with probating a will are the driving forces behind many estate plans. Most people would naturally like their assets to pass to family members and beneficiaries with as little trouble and delay as possible. But what is the actual cost of probating a will in Massachusetts, and what should the average personal representative (formerly “executor”) expect to pay?

When a Massachusetts Trustee or PR Disregards Beneficiaries
One of the most frequent issues we deal with as estate and probate attorneys, is the problem of a fiduciary who does not honor his or her duty to beneficiaries. A fiduciary duty is a legal principle . . .
How Will Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Affect Massachusetts Businesses
The future of digital “crypto” currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum is the subject of much disagreement among technology and finance experts. But most in these fields agree that the underlying technology, called “blockchain,” will be important in a number of future applications.

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Ask us your legal questions
Contact Us
Cape Law
54 Market Street
(Inside Mashpee Commons)
Mashpee, MA 02649
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 2154
Mashpee, MA 02649
Phone: 508-888-8100
Fax: 866-638-8480