How to Write a Last Will | 10 Estate Planning Mistakes Pt. 2

Effective estate planning can seem straightforward, until you take into consideration that people and life in general can be very unpredictable. This is the second part of a two part article on common mistakes in writing a last will. To read part one click here. 1) Not Keeping Adequate Records | The Scavenger Hunt Imagine […]
What is in an LLC Operating Agreement?

When a person decides he needs to form an LLC (Limited Liability Company), learning the basics and gathering together the necessary information and materials takes a little work. Drafting the LLC operating agreement is one of the most important parts of this process. This is because the LLC is controlled entirely by the terms of […]
How Do I Start a Business in Massachusetts? | 10 Factors Pt. 2

Starting a business can be both invigorating and exhausting all at the same time. To work for yourself offers great freedom, and of course great responsibility. The following is a continuation of a 2 part article on factors you should consider when starting a business in Massachusetts. These are simply suggestions you may not yet […]
Do I need a Life Insurance Trust? | 5 Reasons For an ILIT

In planning for your estate, you may have heard or researched the question of whether to place the life insurance you have or intend to purchase into a trust. While the policy itself is clearly to provide for the future financial needs of your family should you die, why would you put life insurance in […]
Protecting the Community Spouse | Eligibility for Medicaid Pt. 2

Whenever a married individual applies for MassHealth (Medicaid), the Office of Medicaid will take a snapshot of the couple’s “countable” assets on the date the individual entered long term care. Of those assets, the non-applicant spouse (called the “Community Spouse”) is entitled to keep a portion. That portion is known as the community spouse resource […]