Comments on: What is the 5 Year Medicaid Lookback Rule? | MassHealth Eligibility for Medicaid Cape Cod Massachusetts Medicaid Attorneys - Estate, Probate and Business Law Office Thu, 16 Feb 2023 11:35:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Veronica Mon, 11 Jun 2012 09:16:22 +0000 http://localhost/wordpress/?p=893#comment-22 In reply to Penny Najjar.

My mother has Community Mass Health and Medicaid Standard.She has been liinvg with me for 4 years and has been going to adult day care paid for by Mass Health for 3 years. She has ALzeimers and needs more care than I can give her at home. She was accepted by a couple of nursing homes I approached after I submitted a letter of short term eligibility in a nursing home. However, the letter states that a future letter for financial eligibilty would be forthcoming I have not received it yet. I called South Shore Elder Services (the agency I work with to provide my mother care in home and at day care) and they will give me more detail tomorrow I don’t know what the difference is between Medicaid Standard and long term Mass Health Care Another nursing home called to tell me that my mother is financially qualified for their facility. I didn’t press her for an explanation. She just received the MassHealth letter I mentioned earlier Do I need to apply (like I did 3 years ago) for Mass Health for long term services? Also, is the 5 year lookback applied to this?

Thank you,

By: Penny Najjar Wed, 15 Feb 2012 22:58:16 +0000 http://localhost/wordpress/?p=893#comment-21 My mother has Community Mass Health and Medicaid Standard.

She has been living with me for 4 years and has been going to adult day care– paid for by Mass Health for 3 years.

She has ALzeimers and needs more care than I can give her at home. She was accepted by a couple of nursing homes I approached after I submitted a letter of short term eligibility in a nursing home. However, the letter states that a future letter for financial eligibilty would be forthcoming… I have not received it yet.

I called South Shore Elder Services (the agency I work with to provide my mother care in home and at day care) and they will give me more detail tomorrow…

I don’t know what the difference is between Medicaid Standard and long term Mass Health Care…

Another nursing home called to tell me that my mother is financially qualified for their facility. I didn’t press her for an explanation. She just received the MassHealth letter I mentioned earlier…

Do I need to apply (like I did 3 years ago) for Mass Health… for long term services? Also, is the 5 year lookback applied to this?

Thank you,

Penny Najjar
