How to Open a Pop-Up Shop on Cape Cod

Online ordering, and Amazon’s development has led to an unpredictable but declining retail market by most accounts. Every month it seems, the news is covering a different retail chain that is struggling to maintain its customer base. Meanwhile, the advent of social media has enabled so-called “pop-up shops” to open, and begin selling in short […]
June 21 is National Bring Your Dog to Work Day in Massachusetts

As the acceptance for the presence of dogs in more public areas grows, Massachusetts employers have likewise become more willing to permit dogs and other pets to come to work with their employees. And while State and local laws and regulations do impose some guidelines and restrictions in this area, the determination whether or not […]
Adult Use in Massachusetts – Recreational Marijuana Licenses Part 2

The Cannabis Control Commission issued draft regulations in December of 2017 concerning licensure of so-called “recreational marijuana businesses,” actually described as “adult use” under the law — under which over the age of 21 is eligible to purchase these products. In our earlier article, we highlighted some of the more popular Massachusetts marijuana business licenses […]
Adult Use Massachusetts Marijuana Business Startup Licenses – Part 1

The draft Massachusetts “Adult Use” marijuana regulations are out, and the Cannabis Control Commission has created an ambitious market for entrepreneurs. These regulations create at least 9 distinct classes of licenses, ranging from cultivation to processing, social use and transportation, with divisions and tiers within these classes amounting to around 20 possible application types. The […]
The Cryptocurrency Post – What Will Blockchain Mean to Massachusetts Businesses?

The future of digital “crypto” currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum is the subject of much disagreement among technology and finance experts. But most in these fields agree that the underlying technology, called “blockchain,” will be important in a number of future applications. The reason for its growth is that blockchain is relatively immutable, secure and […]
Starting a Marijuana Dispensary in Massachusetts – A Medical Marijuana Attorney’s Notes

With a revised application process over the 2012 “Act for the Humanitarian Medical Use of Marijuana”, the Massachusetts law is now among the most straightforward in the country for use of medical Cannabis. The Department of Public Health, the governing agency overseeing the Massachusetts medical marijuana program, took the best of existing state regulations and […]
The Massachusetts Benefit Corporation – The Baystate’s New Business Innovation

While capitalism remains the most favored market system in the developed world, many individuals still believe the free market model incentivizes bad behavior. These beliefs typically target the traditional corporate model that prioritizes profits over people, and the interests of shareholders over social responsibility. While real world corporations do not typically behave so immorally, their […]
How to Start a Massachusetts Marijuana Business – A Question 4 Primer

On November 8, 2016, Massachusetts was among the three states whose voters approved a measure for the taxation and regulation of marijuana for “recreational” use. Total state excise and sales tax on marijuana is scheduled to come in at a total of 10% of all product sales. In addition, local towns will be free to […]
How Not to Like a Boss – Social Media in the Workplace Bill Considered by Massachusetts Lawmakers

Sandwich, MA – When you work for a company, you represent that company. No one disputes that. Where that line begins and ends becomes a bit been hazy for many employers and employees when it pertains to social media. Senate bill 2063, passed by the Massachusetts Senate and under review by the Massachusetts House Ways […]
Massachusetts Sick Leave Law for Cape Cod Businesses – 5 Steps to Reduce the Impact

As is often the case, an idealistic law from Beacon Hill with little to no input from business community has dealt another blow to Cape Cod and Massachusetts small businesses. Among many progressive questions presented at the ballot in 2014, the referendum granting mandatory sick time to all employees in the State did pass with […]